Shuanghua YANG Chair Professor

Prof. Yang has been working on the security and emergency response of complex cyber physical systems, and made a number of pioneering achievements in remote surveillance, incident monitoring, massive information processing and control system security based on the Internet, wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things (IoT). He won Honeywell Award from the Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC) in 2010, and obtained the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc), the highest honorary degree awarded to alumni who have made outstanding contributions to scientific research and a symbol of "Lifetime Achievement", from Loughborough University, UK. Prof. Yang is the second person to receive this award in the 40-year history of the Department of Computer Science, and was the only Chinese Director of Department and member of the University's Council. He has been awarded over £4 million in grants from the UK Natural Science Foundation, the UK Government and the European Union for more than 20 projects on process control over the Internet, self-organising wireless networks for emergency response, remote design and maintenance collaboration platforms, and wireless home energy efficiency network technologies. Prof. Yang has published over 200 academic papers in international journals in the fields of process safety, system control and computer networks, which have been widely cited in the field, and his paper "A ZigBee-based home automation system, IEEE Tran on Consumer Electronics" (2009) was one of the most cited papers in the non-review category in the 2014 UK Universities Research Assessment in the Computing and Information Sciences.
Research Directions:
Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Safety-Critical Systems, Data Science
Education Background:
1988-1991 Phd from the Department of Engineering of Zhejiang University
1983-1986 MA from Graduate College in Beijing, East China Petroleum Institute
1979-1983 BA from East China Petroleum Institute
Work Experience:
2016 to present Chair Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUSTech
2014-2016 Director of the Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University
2006-2016 Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University
2003-2006 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University
2000-2003 Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University
1998-1999 Researcher at Loughborough University
1997-1998 Postdoc at Loughborough University
1995-1996 Visiting Scholar at University of Leeds
1991-1994 Postdoc and Associate Professor at Zhejiang University
1986-1988 Teaching Assistant, Lecturer at East China Petroleum Institute