Kejie CHEN Assistant Professor

Dr. Chen is an assistant professor at SUSTech. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in surveying and mapping from Chang'an University in 2010. Then, in 2012, he received a Master's degree in geodesy from Wuhan University. In March of 2016, he obtained his PhD degree in geophysics from GFZ Potsdam/University of Potsdam. From May 2016 to May 2018, he was a postdoc scholar at Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA. From May 2018 to Sep. 2019, he worked as an assistant research scientist at Caltech Seismological Laboratory. He joined Southern University of Science and Technology in September of 2019. To date, he has published more than 20 articles in internationally prestigious academic journals including Nature Communications and Geophysical Research Letters. He is also a reviewer for over 20 journals such as Nature Communications. In 2020, he was selected to join the Young Talent Promotion Project by China Association for Science and Technology.