Junguo Liu Academician, Chair Professor

Dr. Junguo Liu is a Chair Professor in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in China, and a Senior Guest Research Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. His main research interests include hydrology and water resources, global environmental change, and ecological restoration. He has earned an excellent international reputation through his contributions to the fields of water resources research and ecological restoration.
Prof. Liu has outstanding scientific achievements and extensive services to the hydrological communities worldwide. He has led a pioneering work on advancing water resources assessment in coupled human-natural systems, in particular for global hydrology research and water scarcity assessment by incorporating water resources quantity, quality and environmental flow requirement. His work has been a breakthrough in assessing and quantifying the water quantity and quality related water scarcity, which has become increasingly common in many areas in the world as the poor water quality makes the limited water resources not useable. He has extensive working experience in China, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S., among others. He is an expert consultant for many international organizations including UN-Water, UNEP, and the Water Footprint Network. Prof. Liu is author of about 180 publications (160 ISI papers), including articles in Science (1), Nature (1), PNAS (3), Nature Climate Change (2), Nature Communications (2), Nature Sustainability (2) and Science Advances (1). His articles have been cited for over 7877 times.
Prof. Liu has made a substantial contribution to eco-hydrological restoration in China. He founded two ecological restoration organizations in China: The Society for Ecological Rehabilitation of Beijing (SERB), founded in 2014, and the Union of Societies for Ecological Restoration and Environmental Protection (USEREP), founded in 2016. The former is the first society recognized by the Chinese government which specifically focuses on eco-hydrological restoration. The latter is the first officially recognized union of Chinese organizations by Beijing Association of Science and Technology. Prof. Liu is the first president of SERB, and the first Chair of USEREP. Both the organizations are playing important roles in safeguarding China’s water and ecological security. He was also the Chair of the 9th World Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference that was held in Shenzhen in December 2017. Prof. Liu presided over nearly 20 projects including the national natural science foundation of the national science foundation for distinguished young scholars, major research plan training projects, international cooperation research projects and Ministry of Science and Technology national international cooperation in science and technology special projects, forestry public welfare industry projects, key project of natural science foundation of Beijing, Beijing science and technology commission of science and technology plan projects subject.